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Ligature Logo

What is a ligature logo?

A ligature logo is when you combine/blend two or more letters into one.

How would describe the corporate identity of ESMA in 5 words?

Harmonized, attitude, poetry, balanced, mature.

Which logo out of the two do you feel is the strongest and why?

I feel that my first logo is my strongest of the two because the letters are smoothly combined and the color choice flows well together.

If you had no requirements or restrictions how would your logo look different?

If I had no requirements my logo would be much stronger. I would make my back rounds black so my word could stand out more, use an unlimited amount of colors, and not have to pay attention to technique so much.

Explain which ligature techniques you have demonstrated on each logo:

I used horizontal crossbars and shared strokes. On logo 1 I used both techniques as well as logo number 2.

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