Retail Bag
How do you believe your design relates to the corporate Identity of your company? The design relates to the identity of my company because their bag is pink and I use the snowflakes rather than the white polka dots they use on their bag.
How does your bag portray the “holiday”?
I used white snowflakes, when you see snowflakes you usually think of Christmas time.
Do you think that the company you designed for would really use your bag? Why or why not?
Yes I do, although the pink is off from the color they use, it is exactly their corporate identity.
What makes your bag Unique and Different?
The pattern that I use is subtle and petite, I think it makes for a creative bag.
Describe the process in which you took to create the bag? (From beginning to end)
I first put the pink backround on the template, then traced the pink logo out and placed it over the layout. I then made each snowflake the same size and placed them in an even order so it looked the same all around on each side and my project was ready to print.